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Dataset Labels

The following labels indicate the access control rights for each dataset:


Dataset labels give the creator (referred to as the "DATASET OWNER") control over who can access and use their dataset. There are four types of dataset labels:


  • Datasets with the "Enterprise" label can only be shared within the same email domain.
  • Example: If the DATASET OWNER’s email is, they can only share the dataset with other users who have an email ending in


  • Datasets with the "Global" label can be shared with anyone, regardless of their email domain.
  • Example: If the DATASET OWNER’s email is, they can share the dataset with someone using an email like


  • Datasets labeled as "Public" are accessible to everyone who has signed up on the platform.
  • No restrictions on email domains or user groups.


  • The "Collaboration" label is assigned by the HOST company running the collaboration.
  • The HOST assigns access to the collaboration dataset to all registered COMPETITORS.
  • All COMPETITORS train their models on the same dataset.
  • Datasets cannot be shared between organizations or outside the collaboration environment.