Hyperparameters are set before the learning process begins, and they affect how the model is trained and performs.
Here are the key hyperparameters that you can set:
1. Optimizer
An optimizer is a crucial component used during the training of machine learning models, particularly neural networks. The optimizer's primary function is to update the model's parameters (e.g., weights and biases) in a way that minimizes a specified loss or cost function. It takes a string as its value, which specifies the name of the optimizer to use. The default optimizer is SGD for both PyTorch and tensorflow.
This is similar to the built-in optimizer function in TensorFlow. Some of the supported optimizers include Adam, RMSprop, SGD, Adadelta, Adagrad, Adamax, Nadam, and FTRL.
This is similar to the built-in optimizer function. Some of the supported optimizers include Adam, RMSprop, SGD, Adadelta, Adagrad and Adamax.
To set an optimizer, you can use the following command:
2. Learning rate
Learning Rate controls the rate at which the model learns. Specifically, it controls the amount of error that the weights of the model are updated with each time they are updated (e.g. at the end of each batch of training examples). It takes a dictionary/json as its value, which specifies the type of learning rate you want to use and the value of the learning or the name of learning rate function.
The default value is {'type': 'constant', 'value': 0.001}
We support three different types of learning rates:
- Constant:
To set the learning rate to constant, use the following command:
trainingObject.learningRate({'type': 'constant', 'value': 0.002})
- Adaptive:
To use an adaptive learning rate, pass the dictionary containing the different parameters and their values as key value pairs:
trainingObject.learningRateAdaptive({'type': 'adaptive', 'schedular': 'ExponentialDecay', 'decay_steps':1000, 'decay_rate':0.5})
- Custom:
To set a custom learning rate, use a custom learning rate function like the one below. Then call the method
method oftrainingObject
and pass the corresponding values:TensorFlow: All three types of learning rates are supported. PyTorch: Only constant learning rates are supported.```python
def custom_LearningRate_schedular(epoch):
if epoch < 5:
return 0.01
return 0.01 * tf.math.exp(0.1 * (10 - epoch))
trainingObject.learningRateCustom({'type': 'constant', 'value': custom_LearningRate_schedular, 'epoch': 4})
3. Loss function
This is similar to the built-in loss function in TensorFlow.
It takes a dictionary as its value, which specifies the type of loss function and the name of the loss function to use as its value. Some of the supported loss functions include binary_crossentropy
, categorical_crossentropy
, mse
for TensorFlow and crossentropy
, mse
, l1
for PyTorch.
The default loss function is {'type': 'standard', 'value': 'categorical_crossentropy'}
We support two different types of loss functions:
Standard: To set a standard loss function, you can use the following command:
trainingObject.lossFunction({'type': 'standard', 'value': 'categorical_crossentropy'})
Custom: To set a custom loss function, implement your custom loss function as a function, for example like the one below. Then call the method
method oftrainingObject
and pass the corresponding values:```python
def custom_mse(y_true, y_pred):
# calculating squared difference between target and predicted values
loss = K.square(y_pred - y_true) # (batch_size, 2)
# multiplying the values with weights along batch dimension
loss = loss * [0.3, 0.7] # (batch_size, 2)
# summing both loss values along batch dimension
loss = K.sum(loss, axis=1) # (batch_size,)
return loss
trainingObject.lossFunctionCustom({'type': 'custom', 'value':custom_mse})
```TensorFlow: Both standard and custom loss functions are supported. PyTorch: Only the standard loss functions are supported.
4. Layers freeze
This parameter is used to specify which layers of the model should be "frozen" (i.e. not updated) while the model is training. If you specify the names of layers that are not present in the model, or if you provide incorrect names, then all layers will be trained by default.
To set which layers should be frozen, you can use the following command:
This parameter is supported for both TensorFlow and PyTorch.
5. Early stop callback
This callback stops the training when a specified metric is no longer improving. By default, this callback is not active. You can specify which metric to monitor (e.g. accuracy, loss) and how many epochs to wait before stopping the training.
To set this callback, you can use the following command:
trainingObject.earlystopCallback('loss', 10)
This parameter is supported for both TensorFlow and PyTorch.
6. Reduce LR callback
This callback reduces the learning rate when a specified metric has stopped improving. By default, this callback is not set.
You can specify which metric to monitor (e.g. loss
) and how many epochs to wait before reducing the learning rate (e.g. 10
), as well as the factor by which to reduce the learning rate (e.g. 0.1
) and threshold for measuring the new optimum (e.g. 0.0001
To set this callback, use the following command:
trainingObject.reducelrCallback('loss', 0.1, 10, 0.0001)
This parameter is supported for both TensorFlow and PyTorch.
7. Model checkpoint callback
This callback is used to specify when to save the model weights. By default, this callback is not set.
trainingObject.modelCheckpointCallback('val_loss', True)
This parameter is supported for both TensorFlow and PyTorch.
8. TerminateOnNan callback
This callback is used to terminate the training if the validation loss value becomes NaN. By default, this callback is not set.
This parameter is supported for both TensorFlow and PyTorch.
It's important to note that these values are some of the hyperparameters that you can adjust to fine-tune your models, and it is important to understand the impact of these adjustments and experiment with different values to find the best one for your task.